Thursday, 23 January 2014
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Eventually I'm going to print off all the covers in this series and make fake comics. I may have mentioned this before...but maybe not. Anyway, this is my first attempt at colouring one. I spent a while, ok ages, trying to colour it using Photoshop in a style that replicates the way comics used to be coloured. It may help me one day to look at the tutorial disc I got with Photoshop...but so far I've not found the time.
Some of this cover looks pretty neat. The key will be finding the right paper to print on. I took apart an issue of Adventure Comics to use as the interior, back cover...and also the staples. I've tried to let a few of the creases from the original cover show through. The rest will be done manually when I add the printed cover to the comic...I guess there'll be a few spine creases. I may kick it around a bit. Then I'll board and bag it. See how it looks.
Neal Adams was the best colourist at DC back in the late 60's and early 70's. Man, he did some great covers. Well, the Aquaman run from about issue 35 up was as good...heck, that's probably my favourite ever run of covers. Awesome.
I'll get together a post about the 1967-70 DC era, the artists, the covers, the esoteric stuff, comics that are worth getting excited about...
For now here's the coloured cover wrap. I'm going to make the colours from the back cover match the front...I just need to find out how. Pressing random buttons doesn't work that often...
And here's a close up of some of the detail!
Should have the cover printed in a week or so. Next post will be Adventure issue #3 though...