Sunday, 2 June 2013

Green Goblin, Spidey and a Bridge - Part 3 - Finished!

Spidey without his webbing just doesn't look right. May have put too much yellow in the highlights, we'll see when I come to do the finished. Cadmium Red, Chrome yellow, Burnt Umber are the colours I used on the red...with a little white too.

.........................................................................Now the last bit.

With the webbing I like to only use black (Mars Black) in the shadow areas. Over the midtones I add some red and over the highlighted areas the webbing is actually an orangey colour. I think it adds depth to the figure, helps to make it look more three dimensional. I ended up having to rework the eyes a bit, add more blue and brown into the darker areas of them. Also, the explosion was too unsaturated. All I did there was add some darker greys to it and it popped into the foreground.

When finished and dry I add a layer of Liquin over the painting, it gets rid of the dull spots that can appear in the dark areas and also protects the painting acting as a quick varnish.

That's it.

Spiderman and the Green Goblin oil painting

1 comment:

  1. It truly is amazing watching this come together, layer upon layer
